Phone 250-571-2704

We increase traffic to your dealership so that you can do what you do best.

Sell Cars!


Dealer Intelligence is an elite concierge service that drives results for our automotive dealership customers. We fill a void in the growing automotive industry where we leverage best practices, our highly trained staff and technology, to maximize sales for our dealer’s customer base while providing streamlined customer service.

At Dealer Intelligence, we take care of your customers, encouraging them to visit your dealership. Our process has shown to increase traffic up to 4 times what dealerships have been able to do on their own. By allowing us to work with your future customers on your behalf, you can focus on the customers at your dealership knowing that we are setting your next appointment. 

Since 2014, Dealer Intelligence has delivered high quality customer contact calls for inbound leads and phone calls. 50% of our current staff started with us when we first opened our doors.

Our level of training is what every dealer should be doing with their BDC staff. We have had Phone Ninjas, Grant Cordone Training, Joe Virde and Gord Swail influence our staff and created our culture of success that we enjoy today.


What We do

Find out how we increase traffic to your dealership, and book your schedule so that you can focus on the customers in your showroom.

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Book An Appointment

Book your first appointment with Dealer Intelligence to discuss how we will increase traffic to your dealership.

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